GOOD MORNING! Today is the most wonderful sunny day and at long last a breezy, cool day! Just a hint of fall in the air and I was able to open all the windows while working on my blogs. It is hard to concentrate when I cannot stop looking out of the windows! Isabella, the Queen, our ragdoll cat, had her nails clipped this morning, her ears oiled and her face washed. She was completely disgusted with the whole process as hubby held her with heavy garden gloves while I proceeded with the grooming. We also wrap a heavy towel around her so he is able to hold her better. We never want to take the chance of his being scratched as his immune system is compromised with the cancer. However, she survived and was rewarded with a brushing, which she loves and some cat treats. She is resting peacefully now. I have finished about 27 pages of my book and my enthusiasm grows as I see the words in print. My memory of childhood is improving as prompted by the incidents that I am writing. This will be a labor of love and only God knows if it will ever be read by anyone but the children. Yet, I am enjoying the creation no matter the outcome! Quote of the day:"Never regret anything you have done with a sincere affection; nothing is lost that is born of the heart." ~Basil Rathbone
Good Morning Kerrie
It was 48 degrees this am and I'm lovin it! I was so happy to see you comment on The Old Parsonage and just had to rush over to pay you a visit. What a great undertaking - your book that is, not hat grooming the cat is hard work too. I would love to read it. It sounds similar to Walton's on of my favorites - I have the entire series on DVD!
Please stop back anytime, I love company and thanks for becoming a follower. I'm going to follow you right back!
Enjoy your day!
Hi Kerri
I swore that I commented here yesterday?!
We had beautiful weather last week but now rain has moved in, good time to stay inside and read. Isabella looks very happy after all that grooming, she's a beauty. Good luck with your book writing. Sounds good.
Thank you for stopping by for a visit. Please come back anytime! Enjoy your day!
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