It was a Cardinal Morning when I rose today! First in the top of the bare Bradford Pear tree and then on the shed feeder. All the pictures were taken through the window over my computer with my little Sanyo 4X Digital camera. I love Cardinals so much!

Then some really pretty common sparrows came to visit.
Is anyone else having trouble downloading photos?? The last 2 days I have not been able to download them to my blog unless I get out of the program and the blog and come back again! I went to help and it said to change back to the "OLD Download" in Settings, that did not work either-Help!
I had problems the other night and it would not upload four or five at one time. I had to go in and out for each picture, that can help. My DIL hasn't been able to upload pictures at all for months! She finally discovered to go to Picasa and do it from there. I wish I could be more help. Isn't the cardinal a bright spot in the dead of winter?
Love the bird shots! I so want a better camera for shots like that.
What a beautiful bird, wish we had some like that to brighten the gloom and doom.
no problems downloading photos this week, but given the volume, i'm not surprised.
lovely photos!!!
Hi Kerrie for your inspirational photo;s I have left an award on my Inspirational post.
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