GOOD SATURDAY MORN.... The baby Cardinal took his first flight and then perched in the pine near his nest. So Sweet!
Yesterday afternoon, hubby was digging some roots out of the back yard and the "teenage" baby Mallards were right there with him begging for a handout! All the baby birds and ducks are growing up. It is amazing how fast they all develop from egg to adult!
Picture was taken through the window over my computer and so has reflection in it but I liked it anyway-ha!
Have a wonderful Saturday! Don't forget to visit Pink Saturday participants at How Sweet The Sound http://howsweetthesound.typepad.com where almost 200 participants are showing pink on their blogs today!
And here are the lovely Grand Dogs who are spending the weekend with Grandma and Papa

Have a wonderful day! Come back again soon!
How cute! In that first photo the young Cardinal looked kind of scared clinging on to that tree (he, he, he), but you've got to learn sometime.
Fun picture with your husband and the ducks...I love animals! They are so much fun (and work) but the fun outweighs the work.
Happy weekend with your grand youngens (doggies)...
Doris, Gizzy and Middi :-)
Where are you Kerrie? I've tried leaving a comment on your other blog and were unable to do it - it's probably my darn computer acting up some more....I hope you and your husband are doing well. I've been putting the breaks on blogging for a while so I can get some actual work done because I really want to get my Christmas list started. I love blogging, but it really takes up too much of my day, so I have alloted myself some time every week and when that's gone - it's gone ;-)
God bless you!
Doris and Gizzy :-)
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