Bill showing Marydon the quilt he made when first diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma.
Lovely Marydon and me, kindred spirits. We both were wearing gold hoop earrings-ha! She must be a long lost sister!!She came bearing gifts and I got to choose a wonderful ornament with a teapot in the center of sparkles and pink ribbon!

We are checking out items on my window ledge over the sink, a picture of Bill and me when dating in an Apple frame.
Here we are in the den where my and my daughter's computers are...where we view the lake and all the wildlife.
And then we had to say goodbye although I could have done with a much longer time-ha! Good people, good times! We built memories today of Osprey and a wonderful visit from Marydon, THANK YOU!!!

My heart to Yours...
What a wonderful meeting!!!!
It was such fun and I will always treasure the visit!
Oh Kerrie Sweetie...
You all look SO wonderful. I just knew you would love Marydon so much. You two are SO much alike. I love it that you are short too. I am 5ft.2 so I know about being short.
I could hear the laughter and visiting as soon as I clicked over. I am so thrilled that you were able to spend a little time together and share of your hearts. It was so good for both of you.
Thank you for sharing, as I was able to see my Sis too. I miss her horribly. I feel like I was so close I could touch her. Thank you sweet friend for sharing your beautiful visit today.
Bill, Marydon, Harold and you all look wonderful. I was there in spirit. I won't be able to travel for awhile. The dr.s say absolutely not. I am at a high risk for blood clots right now with my legs. I can hardly whisper today, but I continue to push forward. I will not give up.
Many hugs sweetie and SO much love...Sherry
How lovely to have the visit of your dear friend!!! I have made some good friends too through blogging, this is a wonderful world!!!
maria cecilia
Oh, sweet Kerrie, it is like a 'sisterhood' with you that was forever! How could I ever go by & not want to spend time with you. Wish our schedule were not so tight.
You, Bill & Barbara gave us such joy to our hearts.
Thank you for being you ... I can forever hear your delight laughter & see your charming smile ... that will carry me over until the next time ...
May God bless you both in this journey you are travelling ... all our love, sweet friends.
Hugs of love ~ Marydon & Harold
What a fun day you've had with the osprey and blog friends. Two of my blog friends, George and Betsy, recently came and we finally got to meet each other. It is always such fun to meet your blog friends for the first time!! We all felt just like old friends and had a blast! I made your chicken stew today! It was SO good! When we came home late tonight, my husband said "Yum, I can still smell the good homemade food!" That's because I hardly ever cook anymore. Busy all the time and back and knee problems. And now we have enough left over for tomorrow, as well!! I'm trying your lasagna next!!!
Hi Kerrie, How wonderful to meet you. Marydon and Harold also visited me this week. I just wanted to say "hi" and tell you how much I enjoyed pictures of your visit together.
It must be wonderful to meet up with blogging friends.
What a lovely time you all had.
Something to remember in life's memories.
Kerrie, what a wonderful friendship and visit. I am so happy for you.
I'm short, too - 5'2".♥
How lovely, Kerrie! It is so wonderful to meet our blogging friends. I'm glad you had fun together.
It was lovely seeing the two of you together!
Oh Kerrie
What a fun visit that must have been!
Glad you got to spend some time together!
Hello Kerrie,
I just came over from Marydon's blog. I was one that she visited too and it was so wonderful to see Her and Her Husband. They are truly great people.
I have enjoyed my visit at your blog. A very nice one.
hi's been awhile since we chatted. i love your poetry and i especially love your receipes. i'm going to make the apple crisp one either tonight or tomorrow.
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