Can you find the Cardinal in our pear tree?? The fall colors are starting to show and she blends right in!
Though raindrops are still falling, these unlikely friends are sharing the old fishing hole...
Egret and Swan
Two's company, three is a parade! The Swan couple have been in the lake all night and morning and then the Egret flew in and was fishing in the favorite spot for everyone! Under those low hanging branches on the opposite bank is where the Otter couple slip in and out.
So it's not Blue Monday, Is it? Just looking at all the critters gladdens my heart and makes me smile. Even this House Wren who likes to drink from the Hummingbird feeder-ha!
She puffs herself up in the rain and drinks. The second shot though not clear shows her flying away....

My heart to yours...
Wow! what great shots, and I loved playing your find-it game! Yes, I saw the squirrel on the first picture. I enlarged it, and there he was, on the lower front limb! That cardinal is well camoflauged, as well. I love the picture of the two swans, because of the great reflections. I have never seen or heard of a wren at a hummongbird feeder, but I guess seeing is believing! What a great analogy about the animals going about their business in the rain. YES!!! You put the recipe on your other blog,this is one of the easiest and best recipes I've seen and I can't wait to try it. I will then report back to YOU!! I'm hoping on over to your other blog now, hope you and all your wildlife have a great day!
Love your photos! Send some rain our way (North central KY) won't you please, we could use it:)
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I've added your name to the list!
I heard you have had alot of rain lately, but your pictures make up for all the rain,
The fish, swans and ducks must be enjoying it.
Take care.
how amazing to capture these sweet birds and water fowl....
thank you for sharing, kerrie!
That squrrel photo is so cute - he's just clinging tothat branch for dear life LOL
It's raining cats and dogs right now, Kerrie, and I've been collecting rainwater in every vessel I can find. My house is wide open and it sounds and smells heavenly - while Gizzy snooozes - I'm going to do some serious crocheting today :-)
Have a good day and give my best to your husband!
That squrrel photo is so cute - he's just clinging tothat branch for dear life LOL
It's raining cats and dogs right now, Kerrie, and I've been collecting rainwater in every vessel I can find. My house is wide open and it sounds and smells heavenly - while Gizzy snooozes - I'm going to do some serious crocheting today :-)
Have a good day and give my best to your husband!
These are all so cute! I am always so impressed by how wild animals just go about their business in inclement weather. Nature is some serious business! :o)
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