Courtesy of our dearest old friends and their daughter who owns a lake house on the East shore, we were able to have 6 glorious days there! This was wonderful for my hubby as family and friends could visit him there and he did not have to run around at all. He could go upstairs and rest quietly with a view of the lake from the bed! He did very well and even took photos at my class reunion so that I have something to treasure for the rest of my life.
Details of the reunion are on my TWO HAPPY site: . Below is the picture story of our precious lake visit. Hubby returned to chemotherapy on Thursday and has spent most of his time in bed since. It is a shock to the body after having time off and while we are used to the routine, it hurts none-the-less to see him suffering. After a couple of treatments, he will do better....we pray.
Every evening we saw a beautiful sunset! How Blessed we were! The lake water lapping gently at the shore and the sound of peepers filling the night air. A campfire at dark and I whispered to my spouse, "I think we're in Heaven".

A crackling fire and the afterglow of burning embers....
Each night the Canadian Geese would gather from every direction and talk to one another until they were all of one mind and then they headed to the foot of the Lake where they would stay overnight in a large communal group. Nature is so neat!
All in All it was a wonderful rest for Hubby and for me. Good friends, family, Blue Sky and beautiful Owasco Lake....A little piece of Heaven for sure!
Thanks for visiting and please visit my other sites. The links are in the sidebar.
♥ Kerrie
I am so glad that you were able to make it to the reunion and to enjoy the beautiful sights.
Sorry that the chemo is hitting him so hard. I do hope that it will ease up some for both of you.
Lovely to have you back. Pleased you enjoyed yourselves/
The pictures are awesome and winderful to look at.
Have a peacful Sunday.
Hi Kerrie
So glad that you had a wonderful time. The photos are lovely and will make for great times remembered!
Hi Kerrie,
Thanks for the visit and comments, also a big thank you for getting my book. I sold quite a few here in the UK but not abroad as far as I know.
In the fall I hope to start compiling another book......well I was thinking about it as I have written many since the other went to press.
Once again many thanks it made my day.
Kerrie, I just had to pop over and tell you how much I appreciate having you as a follower. You leave such gracious comments and are always encouraging. So I want to say "Thank you."
Just a thought...I fish for bluegill and never "catch and release" although I eat all I catch and quit when I have caught a mess. I believe "catch and release" is a good thing on some spieces.
I follow Jesus's example of catch and eat...only I haven't mastered the miricle thing yet...feeding 5,000 with just two little
Hi, For all the the support there is a little something for you on my Friday the 13th post for you.
Kerrie, it does sound heavenly. I am so glad you both had this time.
I was wondering if Bill had resumed the chemo. I can imagine how hard this is for both of you.
You remain in my prayers.
What a lovely time you must have had! I love all of the pics!
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